1,035 research outputs found

    Noise Estimate of Pendular Fabry-Perot through Reflectivity Change

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    A key issue in developing pendular Fabry-Perot interferometers as very accurate displacement measurement devices, is the noise level. The Fabry-Perot pendulums are the most promising device to detect gravitational waves, and therefore the background and the internal noise should be accurately measured and reduced. In fact terminal masses generates additional internal noise mainly due to thermal fluctuations and vibrations. We propose to exploit the reflectivity change, that occurs in some special points, to monitor the pendulums free oscillations and possibly estimate the noise level. We find that in spite of long transients, it is an effective method for noise estimate. We also prove that to only retain the sequence of escapes, rather than the whole time dependent dynamics, entails the main characteristics of the phenomenon. Escape times could also be relevant for future gravitational wave detector developments.Comment: PREPRINT Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2014 IEEE Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 468 - 47

    Characterization of escape times of Josephson Junctions for signal detection

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    The measurement of the escape time of a Josephson junction might be used to detect the presence of a sinusoidal signal embedded in noise when standard signal processing tools can be prohibitive. We show that the prescriptions for the experimental set-up and some physical behaviors depend on the detection strategy. More specifically, by exploiting the sample mean of escape times to perform detection, two resonant regions are identified. At low frequencies there is a stochastic resonance/activation phenomenon, while near the plasma frequency a geometric resonance appears. The naive sample mean detector is outperformed, in terms of error probability, by the optimal likelihood ratio test. The latter exhibits only geometric resonance, showing monotonically increasing performance as the bias current approaches the junction critical current. In this regime the escape times are vanishingly small and therefore performance are essentially limited by measurement electronics. The behavior of the likelihood ratio and sample mean detector for different values of incoming signal to noise ratio are discussed, and a relationship with the error probability is found. The likelihood ratio test based detectors could be employed also to estimate unknown parameters in the applied input signal. As a prototypical example we study the phase estimation problem of a sinusoidal current, that is accomplished by using the filter bank approach. Finally we show that for a physically feasible detector the performances are found to be very close to the Cramer- Rao theoretical bound. Applications might be found for example in some astronomical detection problems or to analyze weak signals in the sub-terahertz range.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Stabilizer architecture for humanoid robots collaborating with humans

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    Hoy en día, los avances en las tecnologías de información y comunicación permiten el uso de robots como compañeros en las actividades con los seres humanos. Mientras que la mayoría de las investigaciones existentes se dedica a la interacción entre humanos y robots, el marco de esta investigación está centrado en el uso de robots como agentes de colaboración. En particular, este estudio está dedicado a los robots humanoides que puedan ayudar a la gente en varias tareas en entornos de trabajo. Los robots humanoides son sin duda los m as adecuados para este tipo de situaciones: pueden usar las mismas herramientas que los seres humanos y son lo m as probablemente aceptados por ellos. Después de explicar las ventajas de las tareas de colaboración entre los humanos y los robots y las diferencias con respecto a los sistemas de interacción y de teleoperación, este trabajo se centra en el nivel de las tecnologías que es necesario para lograr ese objetivo. El problema más complicado en el control de humanoides es el balance de la estructura. Este estudio se centra en técnicas novedosas para la estimación de la actitud del robot, que se utilizarán para el control. El control del robot se basa en un modelo muy conocido y simplificado: el péndulo invertido. Este modelo permite tener un control en tiempo real sobre la estructura, mientras que esté sometida a fuerzas externas / disturbios. Trayectorias suaves para el control de humanoides se han propuesto y probado en plataformas reales: éstos permiten reducir los impactos del robot con su entorno. Finalmente, el estudio extiende estos resultados a una contribución para la arquitectura de colaboración humano-humanoide. Dos tipos de colaboraciones humano humanoide se analizan: la colaboración física, donde robots y humanos comparten el mismo espacio y tienen un contacto físico (o por medio de un objeto), y una colaboración a distancia, en la que el ser humano está relativamente lejos del robot y los dos agentes colaboran por medio de una interfaz. El paradigma básico de esta colaboración robótica es: lo que es difícil (o peligroso) para el ser humano se hace por medio del robot y lo que es difícil para el robot lo puede mejor hacer el humano. Es importante destacar que el contexto de los experimentos no se basa en una unica plataforma humanoide; por el contrario, tres plataformas han sido objeto de los experimentos: se han empleado los robots HOAP-3, HRP-2 y TEO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nowadays, the advances in information and communication technologies permit the use of robots as companions in activities with humans. While most of the existing research is dedicated to the interaction between humans and robots, the framework of this research is the use of robots as collaborative agents. In particular, this study is dedicated to humanoid robots which should assist people in several tasks in working environments. Humanoid robots are certainly the most adequate for such situations: they can use the same tools as humans and are most likely accepted by them. After explaining the advantages of collaborative tasks among humans and robots and the differences with respect to interaction and teleoperation systems, this work focuses on the level of technologies which is necessary in order to achieve such a goal. The most complicated problem in humanoid control is the structure balance. This study focuses in novel techniques in the attitude estimation of the robot, to be used for the control. The control of the robot is based on a very well-known and simplified model: the double inverted pendulum. This model permits having a real-time control on the structure while submitted to external forces/disturbances. The control actions are strongly dependent on the three stability regions, which are determined by the position of the ZMP in the support polygon. Smooth trajectories for the humanoid control have been proposed and tested on real platforms: these permit reducing the impacts of the robot with its environment. Finally, the study extends these results to a contribution for human-humanoid collaboration architecture. Two types of human-humanoid collaborations are analyzed: a physical collaboration, where robot and human share the same space and have a physical contact (or by means of an object), and a remote collaboration, in which the human is relatively far away from the robot and the two agents collaborate using an interface. The basic paradigm for this robotic collaboration is: what is difficult (or dangerous) for the human is done by the robot and what is difficult for the robot is better done by the human. Importantly, the testing context is not based on a single humanoid platform; on the contrary, three platforms have been object of the experiments: the Hoap-3, HRP-2 and HRP2 robot have been employed

    Bevacizumab for Macular Serous Neuroretinal Detachment in Tilted Disk Syndrome

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    Background. Tilted disc syndrome (TDS) is a congenital anomaly characterized by “tilting” of the optic disc tipycally associated with myopic astigmatism, visual field defect, inferior staphyloma, and retinal pigment epithelium atrophy. Associated complications such as macular serous neuroretinal detachment are well described; however, ideal therapy for such complication is unknown. Methods. One interventional case report is hereby described. A patient affected by macular serous neuroretinal detachment-complicated tilted disk syndrome underwent a complete ophthalmic examination. Optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography were taken at baseline and at scheduled visits. Two intravitreal treatments of bevacizumab (avastin, 1.25 mg/0.05 mL) were performed at monthly interval. Results. At scheduled visit, one month after the second injection, OCT depicted persistence of neuroretinal detachment. Best-corrected visual acuity remain stable as well as metamorphopsia and functional discomfort. Conclusion. Clinical evidence of this brief interventional case report indicates that one patient affected by recent serous macular detachment-complicated TDS did not benefit from 2 consecutive monthly intravitreal Avastin treatments. Best-corrected visual acuity remained stable over a total observation period of 6 months

    Mechanisms of Neuronal Damage in Acute Hepatic Porphyrias

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    Porphyrias are a group of congenital and acquired diseases caused by an enzymatic impairment in the biosynthesis of heme. Depending on the specific enzyme involved, different types of porphyrias (i.e., chronic vs. acute, cutaneous vs. neurovisceral, hepatic vs. erythropoietic) are described, with different clinical presentations. Acute hepatic porphyrias (AHPs) are characterized by life-threatening acute neuro-visceral crises (acute porphyric attacks, APAs), featuring a wide range of neuropathic (central, peripheral, autonomic) manifestations. APAs are usually unleashed by external “porphyrinogenic” triggers, which are thought to cause an increased metabolic demand for heme. During APAs, the heme precursors -aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG) accumulate in the bloodstream and urine. Even though several hypotheses have been developed to explain the protean clinical picture of APAs, the exact mechanism of neuronal damage in AHPs is still a matter of debate. In recent decades, a role has been proposed for oxidative damage caused by ALA, mitochondrial and synaptic ALA toxicity, dysfunction induced by relative heme deficiency on cytochromes and other hemeproteins (i.e., nitric oxide synthases), pyridoxal phosphate functional deficiency, derangements in the metabolic pathways of tryptophan, and other factors. Since the pathway leading to the biosynthesis of heme is inscribed into a complex network of interactions, which also includes some fundamental processes of basal metabolism, a disruption in any of the steps of this pathway is likely to have multiple pathogenic effects. Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive review of the current evidence regarding the mechanisms of neuronal damage in AHPs

    A new approach on human-robot collaboration with humanoid robot RH-2

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    This paper was originally submitted under the auspices of the CLAWAR Association. It is an extension of work presented at CLAWAR 2009: The 12th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Istanbul, Turkey.This paper presents a novel control architecture for humanoid robot RH-2. The main objective is that a robot can perform different tasks in collaboration with humans in working environments. In order to achieve this goal, two control loops have to be defined. The outer loop, called collaborative control loop, is devoted to the generation of stable motion patterns for a robot, given a specific manipulation task. The inner loop, called posture stability control loop, acts to guarantee the stability of humanoid for different poses determined by motion patterns. A case study is presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control architecture.This work has been supported by the CAM Project S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 II, the CYCIT Project PI2004-00325 and the European Project Robot@CWE FP6-2005-IST-5

    Development of Calibration and Validation Models for the Determination of Acrylamide Levels in Pizza Samples through FT-NIR Spectroscopy

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    Analytical methods to quantitatively detect acrylamide (AA) in food are expensive, laborious, time consuming and require costly scientific instruments, as LC-MS/MS and GC-MS. Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a reliable technique, easy to use and able to quantify chemical components, and therefore could represent a fast tool for acrylamide screening in cooked foods. The aim of this study was to develop a new and innovative method to predict AA content in pizza, using a nondestructive NIR spectroscopy. Specifically, NIR reflectance spectra (1000-2500 nm) of freeze-dried pizza samples, with a known acrylamide level, previously measured by UHPLC, were accurately captured. The recorded spectra were processed to design calibration, by chemometric methods for quantitative analysis as Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, and validation models for the prediction of acrylamide in cooked pizza samples. Spectral range and the number of PLS factors were examined and the lowest Standard Error of Calibration (SEC) and highest Correlation Coefficient of Determination (R2) were selected. The optimized calibration was applied in scanning the NIR spectra of a new set of pizza samples to validate the created method. Results showed that NIR spectroscopy technique is a screening tool capable of rapidly predicting, with reasonable accuracy, the AA content in pizza. Overall, good linear correlation was found between the predicted acrylamide levels in solid matrix by NIR method, and the actual acrylamide values measured by UHPLC in extracted pizza samples

    Transglutaminase-catalyzed preparation of chitosan-ovalbumin films

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    Microbial transglutaminase was employed as catalyst for preparing chitosan–ovalbumin films. The films showed low solubility at a wide range of pH and underwent to a good enzymatic hydrolysis with trypsin. The degree of swelling was reduced and the mechanical resistance of the chitosan–ovalbumin films increased from 24 to 35MPa after enzymatic treatment with transglutaminase. The barrier efficiency toward water vapour was slightly improved for the films prepared by transglutaminase-mediated cross-linking